From June 1 to June 6, 2024, three large-scale projects – DSG, DigiJED 2, and DigIn.Net – conducted the workshop “Blended Learning – a Learning Form of the Future” for Ukrainian students and young researchers. The workshop kicked off with an exciting Information Day on the Köthen campus, organized by Anhalt University of Applied Sciences on the first day of the event

Over 95 talented participants discussed innovative approaches in education, presented their own projects, and built strong international connections over four days from June 3 to June 6


Large-scale Projects 

DSG (Deutschsprachige Studiengänge – German-Language Degree Programs), DigiJED 3 (Digital Education with Joined Efforts), and DigIn.Net 2 (Digital Innovation Network – German-Ukrainian Network of Digital Innovations)



Opening New Horizons

 The event, held in an atmosphere of creativity and collaboration, provided an ideal platform for exchanging experiences and ideas. Participants had the unique opportunity to interact with the management of Anhalt University’s international department and receive valuable advice from experienced project coordinators

Innovations in Education: From Theory to Practice 

During the event, engaging lectures and presentations addressed current issues in modern education. Participants shared their achievements, discussed the prospects of digital education development, and received answers to their questions from recognized experts



International Cooperation – The Key to Success 

Workshop 2024 was not just a seminar but a true catalyst for developing international cooperation. Participants expressed admiration for the level of organization of the event and gratitude for the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals from different countries

On the Path to Common Achievements 

The event confirmed that Ukrainian students and young researchers are active participants in the global community and capable of making significant contributions to the development of science and education



This workshop was a vivid example of how young talents can come together to achieve common goals and create an innovative future